Additional Python Programming Resources
There are many resources online to help you learn Python. This is an intentionally selective list of resources that I have found useful and recommend. It is far from exhaustive, and I don’t mean to imply that anything not listed here is not useful. I am keeping it short because I think a longer list would actually be less useful. It is divided into instruction (tutorials and courses) and reference.
As URLs change with some frequency, please bring to my attention any links which are broken.
- Real Python – This is an extensive and growing collection of Python tutorials. The tutorials are focused, detailed, and well-written. Some are available only to subscribers, many are free.
- Think Python, 2e – This is a free online textbook which provides an introduction to computer science using Python. A printed version is also available.
- A large number of Python videos are available through Temple’s LinkedIn Learning subscription. You may explore them for topics of interest, but if you need reinforcement on the material we are covering in this course, I would suggest:
Additionally, I suggest you continue to explore DataCamp courses of interest while you have access to the premium subscription.
- Official Python documentation – I can’t teach you everything. You have to learn how to consult technical documentation in order to solve the problem at hand.
- PEP 8 — the Style Guide for Python Code – How to structure your code for readability.
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python – An extensive guide to concepts and best practices in Python development.