Spatial Database Design

Fall 2023

Locally Hosting the Open Source Shakespeare Database

The tables in the shakespeare schema come from Open Source Shakespeare. I have created a SQL script which will duplicate this data in your locally hosted database. Download the file shakespeare_insert.sql from Canvas. This file will in one transaction create a schema names shakespeare, create tables to hold the data, and populated those new tables with data.

In order to upload the data:

  1. Launch DBeaver.
  2. Connect to the universe database on localhost.
  3. Open a new SQL Editor.
  4. From the SQL Editor menu, select Import SQL Script and open shakepeare_insert.sql.
  5. Hit Alt + X, or from the SQL Editor menu select Execute SQL Script. You may get a warning message asking you to suppress display while the script runs. You can choose to do so. The entire script will run in 10-20 minutes.